Can you think like a student? It might give you a new perspective.
Think like a student? Yes, I am going to post two videos that I had to watch for my Masters course. I would like you to view them and try to answer three questions after viewing them as a student. First, What was the main idea or point being made? Second, What audience was the video trying to reach? Third, Were the methods used to create the video effective? Why or why not? Are you ready?
Video 1: The Essay
Video 2: We Think
How would you describe yourself David Romancheck and your technology use?
Mrs. Harriety, I am 14 years old and have just entered the last marking period of the eighth grade. I use Snapchat and Instagram regularly with friends, Facebook with relatives, Twitter occasionally, and YouTube and Netflix a lot. I also enjoy sports and being outside. I especially like fishing with my dad who I only see every other weekend. I own a smartphone, laptop, tablet, and have an xbox 360. All of these devices are connected to the internet thanks to my parents. I appreciate this. They remind me of this quite a bit. I was asked to participate in this study so I’m excited to see what it is about.
David Romancheck
Video 2: The Essay
What was the main idea or point being made?
In the commercial the girl reading the essay is predicting the future and telling the people of the present what the future will be like. The point is that the smartphone is an amazing piece of technology that can do so many things. I would agree with this girl.
What audience was the video trying to reach?
The video was trying to reach all ages. This girl is bold like the smartphone the company is trying to sell. I like her. She is cool. She definitely thinks ahead of her generation and I admire that.
Were the methods used to create the video effective? Why or why not?
Yes, the music played on my emotions and I liked the way people responded to her. It made me want to watch it again. I felt I missed something the first time I watched it. The only problem for the company is I was busy watching the commercial and not paying attention to the product being promoted. I have watched Apple commercials my whole life and I know what I am watching by the end. Sometimes I know it is an Apple commercial after the first sentence.
David Romancheck
Video 3: We Think
What was the main idea or point being made?
That the 21st century is still figuring itself out. There is a lot of innovation and sharing, but there are also questions about how to make a living in this century. That concerns me very much. However, “We think therefore we are.” (Leadbeater, 2008) I’m not sure that is the motto I would choose. My generation likes what the Kardashians are up to and click on a lot of things that they think are cool. I’m not sure how much independent thinking is going on sometimes. Have you seen how many hours of video games some of my friends are allowed to play? Well, just ask Mike next class Mrs. Harriety.
What audience was the video trying to reach?
I think the video is looking for comments from anyone that is willing to listen for four minutes. It is very intellectual in nature so it may turn off some people with some of the statements that he makes. Also, in our generation things dated 2008 just don’t have as much relevance with us. I noticed that when you changed videos Mrs. Harriety.
Were the methods used to create the video effective? Why or why not?
Yes and no. The music was spot on as it was a good beat and very engaging. I liked the panning around and it reminded me of a Prezi some of my teachers made me create, but it lost me a couple of times. The message is a bit long winded and assumes everyone is interested in sharing one hundred percent of their creations. That is true, but I am not sure how much thinking is going on. Some of my friends share some pretty stupid things regularly and they are not contributing anything to the intellectual realm. Has this guy ever watched a musically? Also, the democracy thing he mentions. I would never have voted for Donald Trump and I’m still trying to figure out how this happened. Lastly, he says, “in the past you were what you owned.” (Leadbeater, 2008) The truth is a lot of my friends’ families regularly stream illegal movies, events, and music. I feel bad for anyone that is trying to make a living through creative means. Well, I guess he got me commenting so he did make me think.
Any last comments David?
You are a great teacher Mrs. Harriety and I am glad you included me in your study. I hope you will be sharing the results with the class. I guess Leadbeater was right I want you to share this and I can’t wait to look at my smartphone. Anyway, thanks Mrs. Harriety.
This concludes my interview of myself as an 8th grade student of today. I am very excited about using a strategy like this in the classroom. Including all stakeholders, students, teachers, administrators, parents, and technology coordinators in an activity would be truly special. I could see this particularly useful when issues arise that effect the community or the culture at large so everyone could have an opinion. Also, I hope you liked the strategy of wearing a different hat when it comes to answering questions. This strategy could also help the students try to think like teachers, parents, administrators, or technology coordinators.
Leadbeater, C. (2008, February 26). We Think. Retrieved August 05, 2017, from
Telenor The Essay Commercial YouTube. (2013, February 12). Retrieved August 05, 2017, from
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